But before all of that awesomeness there was yet another great time. Me and my sweet baby honey cakes (gag) went to Rapid and hit up Target, the mall, wal-mart (Thank god just for a tire and film), Kwik lube for an oil change, and went out for Chinese. We didn't do anything else just because the trip was planned basically just to get a tire and the oil changed to prep the car for the long drive down south when the time comes. But I'm glad we decided to go grab a bite to eat and went to target, because I got a cute new wallet and a bunch of hair volumizing shizz and makeup finally. Anyways, I had a good time getting out of the house. Living an hour (and most times even more) away from civilization can really eat at your mood!

Oh my gosh, Danz looks so dark next to my whiteness. Sorry Danza, haha. We had a wonderful time though. I really hope everyone has a great weekend. Tomorrow we have to start packing and going through things and cleaning the house!
Oh yeah that's my pink bike up there. Shes a little Schwinn and I lover her. Hopefully my mom can haul her down south when she moves, because she def won't fit in our car.
(sorry for the crappy pics, I have to use Picture show. I don't get my camera back until Wednesday!)
lovely photos. i love the pink bike!