Friday, May 13, 2011

Revalation! (Important news about the blog!)

   So, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do in life as most people do. At the age of 21 though, a lot of times I feel like that should be figured out by now. And I think I finally have.

As you know, I'm moving soon and with the move comes new places and new people. I've always wanted to do photography ever since I can remember. There are about 3 different moments that I can remember when I was younger when I felt like I knew.

The first time was not really a moment, but just an overall memory of me adoring my grandfather's Canon AE-1 (that he recently gave to me). He would always carry it around with his big brown leather camera bag and I would want to open the bag and dig through it every time, but of course I couldn't touch it, because I would probably break it.

The second time was when I was in middle school and I had this teacher who did some wild life photography, mostly birds. He used a telephoto lens and his photos were SO amazing! I basically drooled over how perfect they were. And at that moment, I wished that I could take photos like that one day. It all seemed so rewarding.

The last time that I can remember was in high school. I must've been a freshman and had to take an elective. I can't remember the other choices I had, but one was basic photography. I didn't know what we would be doing in there. I figured we would just be taking digital photos or something (ahh the age of technology). BUT we got analog cameras, mine was a Pentax K1000 and learned how to shoot, develop, and print our own film. I was in heaven. I absolutely love darkrooms. Its very peaceful. Everyone is always so quiet, because they are focusing on getting the perfect photo and sometimes there's music. You get lost in the process and ahhh I could fall asleep right now by how dreamy it sounds. I also took another basic photography class my first year of college and really loved that too. How I wish I had my own darkroom.

Anyways, my point is...I love photography. I'm not sure I'm much of a blogger when it comes down to it. Not that I want to BE a blogger, haha how silly. But it does take some time to post things. Time away from life and I'm not sure if I like that idea. Some of you pull it off so effortlessly while still living a full and happy life, but I don't know if I can. Besides, I'm not much of a writer. I thought I was in high school, but didn't every somewhat book nerd think that about themselves back then?

Because of this little revelation, I've decided to start a new blog just for photography. That way I can be motivated to just shoot and create my portfolio finally! I've been putting photography off for a long time. I've doubted myself and there were times when I couldn't find the time to do it, but I'm going to try harder now that I've realized that this is what I want to pursue. I'm not sure if I'll delete this blog. Probably some other time, most likely not for a month or so.

So now you can find me over at Lauren Lacey Photography! I'll be posting all of my shoots and I'll probably still be posting about my day too, just in a bit of a different fashion :) Thanks for sticking around in my little corner of the blogosphere. I hope you all go and follow my new little piece of it.

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Lauren Lacey

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Day Detox Challenge

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    Kaelah over at Little Chief Honey Bee has blogged about her newest endeavor/challenge...being positive! Not just thinking positive, but also sending out positive vibes via twitter, tumblr, blogging etc. She explains in her post how its so easy to vent through these mediums, but it can be very harmful for other people reading it and also for oursevles, because we tend to dwell on the negative.

    I have had problems this past year and up to now with the grumpies. I've gotten annoyed at the smallest things and a lot of times had a negative disposition towards things. I do often complain on twitter when these moments occur. I really want to change this, because I used to be such a happy and positive person. I could always have a good time no matter what I was doing and that's not the case so much anymore!

    I think this is a great idea, because not only is this about positivity within your mind, but also your body. And as I have been trying to lose weight this year I really want to focus on being healthy rather than just being thin. I've cut out a lot of horrible foods (most of the time, I still binge  on those every now and then :\), but I think I can do more by adding more fruits and vegetables and cutting out unnecessary carbs and sugars that can make you sick to your stomach.

    Head on over to Kaelah's post for more information on what you can do. She also has a cute little button to put up on your blog as I have done! 

Happy detoxing! ;)

Monday, May 9, 2011

May Goals

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This months goals are a tiny bit repetitive, considering I didn't really complete much of last months. Its been tough. I am very excited to move, but its finally hitting me just how much we have to do to get ready for it. I have to get rid of a lot of my stuff, because its just us and the car, no moving trucks here. We'll basically be starting over. And as a person who loves to hold onto things for their sentiment...this may be hard.

Do you have any goals for the month of may?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

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This is my mom and those are balloons, haha. I can't remember why she did this, but they are awesome pictures. She was a teenager in these. She couldn't be here today because shes down south visiting family, but when she gets back she will have some goodies here for her :)
Happy Mother's Day everybody!

The Cuteness That is My Nephew

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 Finally got Lightroom back on my computer and remembered I snapped some head shots of Jaeden a week ago. He is the most adorable little boy in the world! Enjoy!

Weekend Recap

I would've posted this yesterday when it actually happened. But I was too busy being awesome with my nephew. Yep. We rode our bikes and went off mad jumps (speed bumps....I know we're so reckless). We also played cops and zombies. I ate his face off. And then I ate my burrito.

But before all of that awesomeness there was yet another great time. Me and my sweet baby honey cakes (gag) went to Rapid and hit up Target, the mall, wal-mart  (Thank god just for a tire and film), Kwik lube for an oil change, and went out for Chinese. We didn't do anything else just because the trip was planned basically just to get a tire and the oil changed to prep the car for the long drive down south when the time comes. But I'm glad we decided to go grab a bite to eat and went to target, because I got a cute new wallet and a bunch of hair volumizing shizz and makeup finally. Anyways, I had a good time getting out of the house. Living an hour (and most times even more) away from civilization can really eat at your mood!

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Oh my gosh, Danz looks so dark next to my whiteness. Sorry Danza, haha. We had a wonderful time though. I really hope everyone has a great weekend. Tomorrow we have to start packing and going through things and cleaning the house!

Oh yeah that's my pink bike up there. Shes a little Schwinn and I lover her. Hopefully my mom can haul her down south when she moves, because she def won't fit in our car.

(sorry for the crappy pics, I have to use Picture show. I don't get my camera back until Wednesday!)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Favorites

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Lovin' this portrait of Michael Scott by Mike Mitchell

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Love this! haha

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This amazing swimsuit! I would looove to have it ;)

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 The hilarious photos and gifs of Prince Harry on Tumblr. Tumblr made me crush on him so hard this week even though I could care less about the royal wedding.

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I still have mixed feelings on the death of Osama. I feel it was necessary, but I don't know if I would "celebrate" it. But these are always fun :)

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♥This! very funny, but I really love it because they aren't afraid to be themselves and are secure in their sexuality♥

(all photos w/o links were found on tumblr)

Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

30 Days Thursday: Day 12

Bullet your whole day:

Oh. Wow. This is going to be so interesting...

  • Wake up around 6 or 6:30
  • Sigh
  • Take a shower and proceed to throw clean pajamas/sweats on (I babysit all day all by myself. I choose comfort.)
  • Refuse to blow dry my hair or put any makeup on
  • Go downstairs to the big freezer to grab breakfast and lunch for the day
  • Throw other necessary things in my bag to bring with me ie computer charger, phone charger, ipod charger, and sometimes my energy powder packets
  • By 7 o'clock Drive to the gas station to get cheap coffee
  • Drive about 10 miles out of town to "work"
  • Chat with Dawn (who I babysit for) for a while before she leaves for work
  • Watch The Today Show and drink coffee while checking emails/twitter/instagram etc on my ipod
  • Caroline gets up anywhere between 8:30-9:30 so I get her changed out of her pamper and get her breakfast
  • At 10 I have breakfast
  • Check blog/surf web/play with Caroline
  • Lunch at 12 or 1
  • Bring Caroline outside (if weather permits)
  • Snack for her then nap time
  • Find something to occupy my time until Danza comes to get me at 3:30
  • Get to the gym before 4 and workout for a little over an hour
  • The rest of the day is spent with Danza doing whatever our little hearts desire
  • Lights are usually out around midnight
As you can tell, I really don't do much during the week while I'm at work. Thus why I bring my computer. What could I possibly do while sitting at somebody else's house? If you have any ideas I sure could use them! :D

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Finding Old Photos

Lately, I haven't been going out and taking many photos. Not sure what the reason for this is, but because of it I have been finding old ones. Here are three photos from I don't even remember when that I took of Rainy. It must've been almost 2 years ago. Who knows! I hope she doesn't mind that I post these, haha.

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Thanks to Kaelah for her awesome post I can finally post my photos at their largest possible size/resolution (for my blog) :). As of now, I'm trying to go through old posts to fix others. Don't know if its possible. We'll see!

One Thousand

So, I just saw this little guy :) I've now gotten to 1,000 views on this little blog of mine. I think I would still be happy if I didn't have any, but sharing things with people is great. I'm not sure if I ever want this to be a big thing, probably not, but I would like to continue it and if I get to know other people in the process then thats great. I figured this is a tiny little milestone, so I should put it in the archives.
Happy hump day!

Instagram/Picture Show Photo Dump

1. Having my coffee and sitting on the porch while I watched my nephew play outside 2. Jaeden picking "flowers" and giving them to me 3. Jaeden chillin in my room 4. Matt Homnick's forehead from UFC 129 5. Trying to wear eye makeup 6. Finding out Osama was killed 7. Sitting in the car waiting for Danza to come out of Subway 8. Having my morning coffee 9. Watching the Today Show 10. Orange 11, 12. Playing outside with Caroline (the tiltshift option on the flower one was horrible haha). 13, 14, 15. Baking a cake for Callie yesterday (failed to get a final result photo. It was rainbow colored and REALLY pretty. argh). 16. Caroline sleeping in a weird position this morning

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Soul Mates

 (image via Tumblr)
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life." Elizabeth Gilbert

I first saw this quote in the book Soul Pancake, lovely book by the way full of inspiration and challenging you to think. This quote resonated with me, because I have always thought of some people as being my soul mate, but not the person I'm supposed to be with for the long haul. I think sometimes people come into your life and they show you things about yourself that you never saw and encourages you without trying to be progressive in your life choices. And this person doesn't always have to be "The One". Hopefully, like me you have found or will eventually find your soulmate(s).

Monday, May 2, 2011

What I Wore (5/1/11)

   Heeeey! Its been a little while. I let my mom borrow my camera for her trip down south and it is necessary for the things I had planned for updates *sigh*. Oh well, Sunday Rainy tweeted me to see if I wanted to take photos and you know I'm always down for a good photoshoot/outfit post ;)
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   I was wearing my Modcloth dress and my maroon Wal-mart tights with my Payless booties. I am such a cheap ass! Well, if you don't count the dress I guess, but that was such a splurge for me. Even the tights and booties were on sale, haha. I really want to start to add accessories in my outfit, but I'm so bad with keeping up with jewelry and/or not breaking them. Maybe one of these days.

   I'm still working on losing this weight. I've lost around 18lbs now and I feel really good about that, but I don't think I'll ever not have days where I don't feel huge. Today was one of those days (though I love the pics!). I think its mostly because I ate so bad this weekend! I had pizza and pasta galore. I even ate a cupcake *tsk tsk*. I made these cute little piggy cupcakes for Caroline's 3rd birthday party. Her theme was Olivia, so what better right? I got the idea from Emma's blog. It was SUPER easy. The only thing was, I couldn't find pink marshmallows since its not Easter anymore so I had to use icing for those and that was a bit of a pain in the bum, but it turned out great. See for yourself!
(Like I said, no camera. So, instagram pics will have to do for now!) 

BTW, can you believe its May already?! We move in only a month! Definitely need to get to packing this weekend! :D