Today we went to Rapid City to go to some antique shops! It was a lot of fun. Up above is a photo of the badlands.
This might be my favorite out of all of them. It's called Bag Ladies :)
It happened to be where I found my new Duaflex camera, looove <3
They had quite a few choices there, but it was my favorite and I couldn't just buy all of them even though I really really wanted to.
We also stopped in at Art Alley, because its right across the street from all of the shops, but it was soo cold that we didnt walk too far into it and didn't get that great of photos :\
We are going back up to Rapid Monday though and hopefully it wont be snowing out and we can get some better shots!
Took some weird photos, because I felt awkward bringing my camera into a store haha
When we got outside of the shop we took these random photos and Danza had the signs in focus and me out of focus, haha nice Danz...nice.
Afterwards we went out to eat at Chili's (I ♥ Chili's :P) I had three margaritas, because Danza wouldn't drink his and I couldn't let it go to waste, haha. So, I was feeling pretty happy from there to the mall until the cold and all that walking snapped me out of it. Couldn't find any cute outfits at the mall (sadface) so all I got there was some nail polish. The polish is so pretty though. I can't wait to try it.
We also celebrated my brother's girlfriend/baby mama's birthday at Olive Garden, but I might make another post on that seeing as there so many photos. Also, they wouldn't look right together since I took the ones there on my ipod and they're very yellow and grainy. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! I know I am!
Your photos are great! i love your bag!